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Frequently asked questions

These products were originally developed as a driveway resurfacer so they are incredibly strong. They aren’t bulletproof though, even bare concrete can scratch so we suggest putting pads on the feet of your furniture and keep your patio clean. 

If your concrete underneath cracks it will eventually crack the overlay. The overlay will not crack on its own. If a crack happens just apply some sealer to the crack to keep water from getting in.

Absolutely! We use this material to make faux brick, stone, tile and more. I’ve even made concrete flowers so let your imagination run wild! We will eventually teach the other applications so subscribe to our YOUTUBE channel for updates.

Yes you can either mix the colors together or you can do one coat in one color and the second coat in a different color. These stains are transparent so you can get some awesome effects by layering different colors

To clean your patio simply hose it off and use a soft foam squeegee to push the dirty water off. If its super dirty you can use dish soap and a broom to loosen the dirt. We don’t recommend pressure washing. 

To keep your patio protected and looking like new you will need to add one coat of sealer ever 2-5 years.

Mitzi's Mission

Through my many years of owning Concrete Patina I’ve come across thousands of people who really wanted this woodlook but either couldn’t afford it or we were just too far away to help them. So I made it my mission to simplify the products and the process so that I could teach people how to do this themselves. I want to share my passion for concrete with everyone and create an online community of DIYers who will share tips and tricks so we can all discover new ways of doing this. 

Please join us on Facebook @DesigncreteDIYersclub

– Mitzi Hoffman, DesignCreteDIY